Caleres Inc. has been released in recent years for the quarter of 2024 and is thus responsible for the profit for Action (EPS) if you check the analyst information. This reports an EPS of US$1.23, slightly below the forecast of US$1.38. 741 million US dollars have been left behind and 753.81 million US dollars have been lost. After the sale of the Caleres action had started in the commercial trade with a percentage of 19.89%, the Anleger’s company was considered on the very broader mirror.

Which knowledge:

– Caleres’ EPS und Umsatz im 3. Quartal 2024 verfehlten die Analystenerwartungen deutlich.

– The promotion takes place after payment of the amount due at least 20% ein.

– Fashionable Sneaker made from 30% of the Einzelhandelsumsatzes from.

– Das Unternehmen aims to increase the Beschaffung außerhalb Chinas to 70% by 2025.

– The revised forecast for the overall result will reflect a decline of 2.5% to 3% from the past.

Personal performance:

Caleres achieved a successful three quarters with a return of 2.8% in an annual comparison of US$741 million. Profit for Aktie fell from 1.37 US dollars to 1.23 US dollars. Proud to gain insight into Caleres Marktanteile in its Brand Portfolio and Famous Footwear Segments, was a sure-fire way to improve its business operations.

Highlights of Finanzielle:

– Cost: US$741 million, 2.8% return over time.

– Gain for action: 1.23 US dollars, averaged 1.37 US dollars in Vorjahr.

– Konsolidierte Grossmargin: 44.1%, a decline on 55 basis points.

– Betriebsergebnis: 58 million US dollars.

– Trading margin: 7.9%.

– Bearing stock: Anstieg 5.4% on 586 Million US Dollars.

Ergebnisse versus Prognosis:

Caleres reported EPS of US$1.23 and forecast US$1.38 down 10.9%. Auch der Umsatz blieb mit 741 Millionen US-Dollar behind den 753.81 Millionen US-Dollar zurück. This Leistung represents a German representation in the representation of the quarters, while the prospects are as a rule hereditary or severely affected.

Market reaction:

If the sale of the Caleres Offer is 19.89% at 26.59 US dollars, the interest is converted to 33.20 US dollars. This downturn brings the Action to US$26.26 in the next 52 hours and reflects the negative stimulus of the Anleger more broadly. If the common sector is for restructuring, the combined market will increase by 3% in the quarter.


Before the costs are calculated, the forecast for the total is a decline of 2.5% to 3% after a correction. The second installment now provides an EPS for the annual cost of US$3.35 and US$3.45. Caleres will be ready for the future of the future in China by the end of 2025 after 70% of their arrival and international access, especially with the Marke Naturalizer.

Responses from management:

CEO Jay Schmitt said the balance in those years was one and all: “That years-long war ended a backlash for our years.” CFO Jack Calandra said he had discovered the long-awaited potential of the unions, saying: “We will see how we can use the Markets, Strategies, Strategies and Strategies, one of the most important things we can do.” Schmitt stated that there is a change in the performance of the trade fair: “The trade priority trends and new basics.”

Fragen and Antworten:

Where the telephony conference has specialized is in analysts on the Chinese market and the werbe strategy of the internal market. The Führungskräfte will be on the Chinese market for a long time, while there is a good chance that the four quarters will experience a downturn of the stepel sales set out in the quarter. The Werbestrategy was primarily focused on the Räumungsverkäufe ausgerichtet.

Risks and refunds:

– Störungen in der Lovekette, especially in China, can beeinträchtigen the Beschaffung.

– The Marktsättigung in Bereich Modeschuhe can border the Wachstum.

– Makroökonomische Belastungen can reduce the sales tax for discretionary items.

– Herausforderungen beim Filemanagement met een Anstieg von 5.4% in Jahresvergleich.

– Wettbewerbsdruck by other Schuhmarken and Einzelhändler.

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